Wild Brown Trout and Grayling Fishing on the River Tay
Perthshire offers fantastic fishing in the River Tay for Wild Brown Trout, and Grayling.
Furthermore, the Tay is such a large and diverse water system, with a huge population of fish. The River Tay is the longest river in Scotland, with a catchment of over 3,500 miles. Equally there are no barriers to prevent fish migrating up and down the system.
Additionally, we have access to a wide variety of beats, offering majestic scenery and a mixture of pools. The Upper River Tay near Aberfeldy is a more manageable size to fish. Furthermore it produces ample opportunities to fish the dry fly. In the last 5 years, Euronymphing has been a highly effective method. Additionally its worth swinging soft hackled spiders.
The middle and lower river offers a great riffles, pools an glides creating a diverse habitat for trout. However it’s worth considering the river is considerably bigger here. Due to the size of the middle Tay it’s vital to be with a guide to keep you safe when wading.
What are the top 5 tactics to fish for trout and grayling on the Tay
- Use appropriate tackle – We suggest 11ft 2 weight for nymphing. 9ft 4 weight for dry fly. Trout Spey for wets and streamers.
- Take time to observe the river during a hatch. Time planning is seldom time wasted.
- Wear appropriate gear and travel light – Good chest waders, net, and boots with a good grip of the river bed. Warm layers.
- When fish are not on the surface, prospect with nymphs, spiders or streamers
- Employ a fishing guide. Guides have fished these waters since boyhood. The knowledge will save you time and get results.
Trout and Grayling fishing near Dunkeld and Aberfeldy
We can collect you from your hotel in Edinburgh or Perthshire and transport you to the river. Dunkeld is a good town to be located for the middle river and Aberfeldy for the upper river.
We will also supply all your tackle, waders, boots and life vest. In fact, al you need to bring are warm layers and sunglasses.
Your river guide is a current team member of the Scotland Fly Fishing Team, and competed in last years World Championships. He is a very skilled trout and grayling angler and can help you learn new techniques.
What time of year to target wild brown trout and grayling on the Tay?
The trout fishing is best in early spring for dry fly fishing. In fact, with milder seasons, March has become a great month to target early trout. Huge hatches of Olives, March Browns, and LDO’s can cause trout to explode on the surface, as they feed confidently. This is when big trout can be caught and these rises occur usually in the warmer part of the day between 12 noon and 3pm.
Also Grayling fishing is best in the Autumn and winter months, Oct – January. Outside of these peak times, fish can be caught, but tactics need to be flexible to adapt to river levels and conditions.
In conclusion, the River Tay offers an angling experience, that combines skill, patience and a profound connection with nature. Ultimately all set to a backdrop of majestic Perthshire scenery.